Wireless Communication

Chapter: Analog and Digital Transmission
Also: Wireless Channels, Section: Fading, Rician fading, shadowing

BER or SER for BPSK and QAM in Rayleigh fading channel

Contributed by Haibing Yang and Jean-Paul Linnartz

The probability of error can be calculated easily for a channel that has slow, flat fading with respect to the symbol period. Essentially, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) g  can be taken as fixed over the duration of the decision interval of one symbol. The average error probability can be computed by integrating over the fading distribution. So the Symbol-Error-Rate (SER) can be achieved by averaging the conditional error probability with respect to the random variable g as follows


where P(e |g) is the probability of error under AWGN, fg (g) is probability density of SNR g . For the special case of Rayleigh fading, SNR has the exponential distribution


with local-mean SNR glm =Es/N0, which can be explained as the expected energy per symbol-to-noise power density ratio.

Bit-Error-Rate (BER) for BPSK and Symbol-Error-Rate for M-QAM can be calculated as follows.


BER for BPSK in Rayleigh fading

For BPSK in AWGN channel, the BER is


For a specific channel SNR , the BER is


Then the BER for BPSK in Rayleigh fading channel can be obtained by averaging,


See also BER for Rice fading channel.


SER for M-QAM in Rayleigh fading

For M-QAM in AWGN channel, if log2M is even integer, then the SER P=1-(1-p)2 with


If odd, the SER is


Here we just calculate SER for M-QAM in Rayleigh fading channel, in the case that log2M is even integer.

For a specific channel SNR of M-QAM with log2M an even integer, the probability of an error symbol is found as the probability that an error is caused by either one of the two directions, i.e.,

     P(e |g) = 1 - (1-p)2 = 2p - p2.

with p the probability of error from one direction,


The SER of M-QAM in Rayleigh fading channel is

    Ps = 2E(p) - E(p2).

where the expectation E(p) and E(p2) can be calculated respectively, where




where we introduced t and for ease of notation,



and assuming that glm is moderate, i.e., 0< glm < 2(M-1)/3. For large glm (i.e., glm > 2(M-1)/3), we are not aware of analytic solutions.

After executing the integration, the SER for M-QAM in Rayleigh fading channel can be obtained as


See the Spreadsheet
Here you can see the figure for comparison of SER in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel and Matlab code.

Wireless Communication © 1993, 1995, 1999.