Wireless Communication

Chapter: Wireless Propagation Channels
Section: Channel Models, Indoor Propagation

Evaluation Algorithms

Contributed by Peter E. Leuthold and Pascal Truffer

A channel sounder (such as ECHO 24) delivers a series of complex CIR tex2html_wrap_inline1065 or tex2html_wrap_inline1067 , respectively, evoked by the wave component impinging from different directions tex2html_wrap_inline899 . The extraction of the data which is necessary to calculate the parameters of the target functions used in the SRCM represents a fastidious task. Numerous algorithms are available which can be used to determine either single wave component parameters or at once a collection of them with satisfying precision.

The important wave component parameters are as follows:

A global channel parameter is the number M of active paths which should also be known in order to assure the efficiency of the algorithms.

A crucial task is the determination of the incidence directions of the wave components. Beamforming and Fourier algorithms [10] are widely applied techniques to estimate the angle of arrival. In the past decade, high resolution algorithms have been developed to extract the azimuth and even the delay of the impinging waves. They are based on spectral or non-parametric estimation principles like ESPRIT (Estimation of Signal Processing via Rotational Invariance Techniques)  [11] and MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification)  [12]. The latter algorithm can be extended to resolve not only the delay and the incidence direction but also the Doppler shift.

Figure: Estimated PDDP by means of the SAGE algorithm in a real propagation environment at 2 GHz

Recently, the SAGE (Space-Alternating Generalized Expectation-Maximization) algorithm has been successfully applied for the combined estimation of tex2html_wrap_inline1073 , tex2html_wrap_inline1075 , tex2html_wrap_inline897 , and tex2html_wrap_inline1093  [13]. SAGE is an iterative procedure based on maximum likelihood (ML) estimation and allows the reduction of the multidimensional optimization problem to a sequence of problems with lower dimensionality. Figure 9 shows the result obtained by means of the SAGE algorithm at 2 GHz in the real propagation environment mapped in Figure 10. The reflections can be clearly identified: LOS and some minor echoes from the roof in area 1, reflections from the wall of a large concrete building 2 and echoes from the roof of a staircase 3. The receiver Rx had been equipped with a linear antenna array consisting of 19 monopole elements in equal intervals of tex2html_wrap_inline1095 .

Figure: Map of the environment with the receiver (Rx) and transmitter (Tx) location

To determine the number M of active paths is a rather difficult problem, too. Considering Figure 2 a first approach seems to be the introduction of a certain power level and then the enumeration of the exceeding maxima. A more detailed investigation of the DScF properties shows that this simple principle would often fail. Thus, algorithms have been developed making use of special weighting procedures [14] which yield satisfying results.


Wireless Communication © Peter E. Leuthold and Pascal Truffer, 1999