JPL's Wireless Communication Reference Website

Errata and Additions

Title: Narrowband Land-Mobile Radio Networks
Author: Jean-Paul M.G. Linnartz
Publisher: Artech House, Boston, 1993, 345 pages
ISBN: 0-89006-645-0

Errata to the first edition

Additions and updates

Errata by Jaime Sanchez

Jaime is a doctoral student doing a dissertation in wireless ATM, at the University of Arizona.

"I have been reading your book Narrowband Land-Mobile Radio networks, even though it has been very interesting I have found several misprints that may be corrected in the (eventual) next edition."

Where it is written:

How it is written:

How it should be written:

page 39 (after eq. 2.20) Pi=1/2(Roi)**2 Pi=(Roi)**2/2
page 45 (eq. 2.32) positive exponential exp(-(.))
page 72 (third paragraph) ...formula 2.54 2.51 is the last formula from ch. 2
page 83 (eq. 3.4) ...exp(.) exp(-(.))
page 116 (eq. 4.7) .."product of" Pis + 1 "product of" (Pis + 1) [missing parenthesis]
page 120 (eq. 4.16) ...Wmi... ...W**2mi... [missing square on omega]
page 130 (first paragraph of sect. 4.10) ...Ts=Lrb. ...Ts=L/rb. [missing slash]
page 166 (third paragraph) ...relaxed in Section 6.8 (6.8 is Conclusions, does not mention anything about lambda)
page 247 (eq. 8.40, inside integral) "square root"("phi""lambda") "square root"("phi")"lambda" ["lambda" should be outside the square root symbol]

JPL's Wireless Communication Reference Website, 1993, 1995.