
Chapter: Authors and Contributors

ComNets-Informationssystem, Lehrstuhl für Kommunikationsnetze, RWTH-Aachen

Christian Wietfeld

Research Assistant, Dipl.-Ing.

Involvement in projects
Since August 1992 Mr. Wietfeld has been member of the Institute's working group 'Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) for Road Transport and Traffic Telematics', which is dealing with the development and performance evaluation of mobile communication systems for traffic management systems. Mr. Wietfeld has been engaged in the development, formal specification and performance evaluation of an ISO-OSI conformant communication architecture for standardized DSRC systems.
Since 1995 he is responsible for technical as well as management tasks within the European research program VASCO (Validation of Dedicated Short-Range Communications).
Mr. Wietfeld is actively involved in the standardization of communication protocols and application interfaces for the DSRC within CEN TC 278 (European Standardization Body for Road Transport Informatics) and its corresponding national standardization groups in Germany. He is the liaison officer for the cooperation between CEN TC 278 WG 9 (DSRC) and WG 1 (AFC-Automatic Fee Collection). In 1994 he was the member of two EU-funded CEN project teams dealing with the specification of the DSRC Data Link Layer standard and an application interface standard for the DSRC link. In 1996, he was member of a CEN project team defining conformance and interoperability test procedures for DSRC equipment. Since June 1996, he is the project team leader of a project team defining an application interface for DSRC-based AFC applications.

Research Interests
His main research interests are the performance evaluations of mobile telecommunication systems using stochastic simulation techniques and analytical methods. He is also interested in propagation modelling and antenna synthesis techniques as well as in the development of run-time efficient road traffic models and formal specification techniques.

Lectures/Courses at Communication Networks, RWTH Aachen
Mr. Wietfeld was responsible for the exercises of the lecture on Mobile Communication Networks. He was also involved in the development of a Multi-media course on the GSM system (Global System for Mobile Communications).

Curriculum Vitae
Mr. Wietfeld was born in Essen, Germany, on January 21, 1966. From October 1986 to July 1992 , he studied electrical engineering at the University of Technology in Aachen. During his studies he specialized in digital communications and telecommunications. His diploma thesis deals with the development of optimized code-synthesis techniques for digital communication systems. He received his diploma in July 1992. In October 1993 he joined the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. Dr. Wietfeld is with Siemens now. His address is

Siemens A.G. 

?6N MB 21

Hofmannstr. 51

81359 Munchen, 


E-mail:      christian.wietfeld@oen.siemens.de

Tel:         +49-89-722-61478

Fax:         +49-89-722-62366

www.WirelessCommunication.NL updated September 1996.